Space Clearing and Blessings

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Please specify how many rooms or spaces you need cleared at each location.
Please specify if this is clearing from a distance or physical clearing.

Space Clearing is a very sacred process and is designed to bring the client's home and/ or business in alignment with their highest intentions. Spaces are cleared of dense and stagnant energies, predecessor and remnant energies and then blessed and infused with energies that the client may wish to have infused in their home or workplace and to manifest in their lives. This in depth process includes distance clearing and physical clearing using a combination of mudras, sound instruments, resins, herbs, essential oils and crystals. All space clearing is tailor made and is done in conjunction with high frequency Beings together with the client. All physical clearings include a gifted vibrational spray (worth $35), which is tailor made and aligned to the new energies of the house or workplace. The spray helps to support the client in maintaining and refreshing the energy of the spaces and the intentions for each space. For the physical clearing clients are advised to set aside several hours for this process, dependent on the size of the property. Clients may also opt for a distance only clearing.
